You deserve to live freely and confidently—no matter what. 

Specialized therapy for OCD to help you break the cycle and take back control.

The need to make sure everything is “just right” never stops.

When you’re living with OCD, the little things are all you can ever see: you just can’t get away from the persistent obsessive thoughts. Maybe this time, once you fix it, you’ll finally feel relief. Maybe this time, once everything is where it should be, looking how it should be, or feeling how it should be—you’ll feel okay. But that never seems to be the case, and the cycle starts all over again.

When life gets stressful or big changes happen, your OCD symptoms might get even worse. Whether it’s the fear of hurting yourself or others, worries about your health, or making everything perfectly balanced, the thoughts always take over. Since the "what ifs" never seem to stop, it’s hard to live in the moment and it affects every part of your life—school, work, family, and friends. You’re ready to take charge and get all this time back you feel like you’ve lost. 

OCD can look like…

  • Checking & rechecking that doors are locked and appliances are turned off

  • Avoiding touching items or people because of germs or harm

  • Replaying conversations in your head to make sure you didn't say anything wrong

  • Counting or tapping rituals

  • Consistent intrusive and doubting thoughts taking over 

  • Rearranging items until they feel "perfect" or symmetrical

  • Feeling like you “can’t catch a break”

  • Worrying about getting a serious illness & constantly needing reassurance

Don’t believe everything you think. You are so much more than your obsessions and compulsions.

My Approach

This isn’t a short-term fix. This is about long-term change.

I recognize that OCD shows up in different ways for adults, children, and teens, so my approach will always be tailored to you specifically. Here, we’ll talk about what OCD is—and what it isn’t—so you can understand how to take active, gradual steps to conquer your fears. This is an encouraging, supportive space. Above all, I want you to know I believe in you and your ability to break these cycles.

Your needs and goals will always be our top priority. This means we’ll regularly check in on your progress, making adjustments along the way so you can really feel and see that you’re making progress. Part of the journey will be learning how to deal with intrusive thoughts and increasing your tolerance of uncertainty. I’ll use different methods, including ERP, to help you face your fears head-on, all while feeling supported. You’ll learn how to tap into your own strengths and embrace who you are beyond these compulsions.

I’ll also be here to empower you in finding your independence. My goal is to help you know what to do when OCD struggles pop up so you can feel confident in the newfound strategies and knowledge you’ve gained here.


I am trained in ERP, the gold-standard treatment for OCD.

Exposure and Response Prevention therapy is a behavioral therapy used to help people with anxiety disorders and OCD.

ERP helps you or your child face your fears in a safe and controlled way. The idea is to gradually expose yourself to the things that make you anxious, without falling back on your typical anxiety-reducing behaviors, like rituals or avoidance. Over time, your brain and body become used to the things you fear, reducing your anxiety and breaking the cycle of obsessive thoughts. 

This journey is not always easy, but I’ll be there as your guide, support, and cheerleader every step of the way. And when you look back, you’ll see that the long-term relief makes the hard work all worth it.

Get off the OCD roller coaster and get back to living your life.


Frequently asked questions

  • ERP therapy helps treat various types of OCD, including contamination fears, checking rituals, symmetry and ordering compulsions, taboo thoughts, and other more complex types of OCD. 

  • Yes. I regularly work and use ERP with children and teens who are struggling with OCD and other challenges. ERP therapy can be adapted for children and adolescents while incorporating age-appropriate and tailored techniques.

  • Yes! ERP therapy is considered one of the most effective psychological treatments for OCD. Many people who complete ERP therapy experience significant improvements in their symptoms. It's not just about managing symptoms temporarily but about making lasting changes in how OCD affects your life.

  • The timeline varies for everyone! Many individuals start noticing positive changes within a few weeks to months of consistent therapy.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a long-term anxiety disorder that causes unwanted thoughts, images, obsessions, and repetitive behaviors. There’s often a need to perform these types of compulsions to “get rid of” or resolve the obsession itself. All of these things can make your daily life and social interactions near or completely unmanageable because it’s so distressing and time-consuming. 

  • OCD can show up in different ways (obsessions and compulsions) and seriously affect your daily life. The most common themes include:

    • Harm OCD

    • Pedophile OCD

    • Sexual orientation OCD

    • Relationship OCD

    • Responsibility OCD

    • Suicidal OCD

    • Just right OCD

    • Health anxiety OCD

    • Moral scrupulosity or religious OCD

    • Sensorimotor or hyperawareness OCD

    • Contamination OCD

    • Metaphysical contamination OCD

    • Existential OCD

    • Order and symmetry OCD

    • Postpartum OCD

    Whatever OCD looks like for you, I’m here to help. 

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.