Learn how to release the pressure & set yourself free.

Specialized anxiety therapy for real relief.

It just seems like you’re struggling more than others.

You keep telling yourself it shouldn’t be this hard, but it really feels like you can’t keep up anymore. The stress and burnout are so overwhelming that it's affecting your sleep—you can barely get a good night’s rest or fall asleep at all. You'd do anything to "feel better" or happier, but you're not sure how. The constant pressure to meet certain standards and the attempts to tune out what others might be thinking of you is exhausting, and it’s hard not to compare yourself to them.

This fear of not measuring up or being “enough” makes you feel like you’re missing out on your own life.

And life changes have only made things worse. You could be returning to work after maternity leave, starting a new job, or your kids are going to a new school—these transitions bring a whole new level of stress. You find yourself working overtime, struggling to set any kind of boundaries, and then feeling guilty whenever you try to take a break.

It’s hard to make time for you when your brain has you booked with anxiety day in and day out.

I’m here to help you with…

  • Perfectionism

  • Feelings of guilt or shame

  • Relationship challenges

  • A lack of motivation

  • Panic attacks 

  • Balancing demands & keeping up with responsibilities

  • Racing, overwhelming thoughts

My Approach

Here, you can feel truly supported.

I view therapy as a collaborative journey. You're the expert on your life, and I'm here to walk alongside you to help you navigate the path ahead. We'll work together to set goals and I’ll regularly check in to see how things are going. If needed, we'll revisit and tweak those goals to ensure they still align with what's important to you. 

My gentle but direct approach creates a safe space where you can comfortably share your struggles and needs—all while feeling the support you deserve. My goal is to help you learn to be kinder and more accepting of yourself, and I hope to help you see your own value and worth so you can find a more fulfilling and happy life. I know that right now it doesn’t even seem like it’s an option for you—or your child—but “feeling better” is possible and can be true for you.

Therapy for anxiety can help you…

Move past fear so it doesn’t dictate your life

Improve your relationships and communication

Gain practical skills to help you thrive

Establish & maintain healthy boundaries

Discover a deeper sense of happiness & peace

Build personal confidence & improve self-esteem

Learn how to let go of the things you can’t control

Find balance in your day-to-day life

Let’s ease your grip on all the things you can’t control.


Frequently asked questions

  • Yes. I help with different types of anxiety disorders including social anxiety, phobias, panic disorders, and more. If you often feel excessively worried, nervous, or fearful in a way that interferes with your daily life, you could have an anxiety disorder and you should consider talking to a professional.

  • If anxiety is interfering with your daily life, work, or relationships, or if you feel overwhelmed, therapy can help you. A consultation could determine if therapy is the right fit for you. You can schedule one here.

  • No, I also help children and teens. 

  • This depends on the needs of who I am working with, as I tailor all treatment to each individual client. I pull from a variety of methods and expertise, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions.

  • This is different for everyone. When you feel like you have more of a grip on your anxiety and can function day-to-day with coping skills and different things you or your child have learned in therapy, that could be an indication that therapy is successful. It’s important to recognize that mental health isn’t linear, it's a consistent journey of ups and downs. Here, we’ll work on helping you find more “ups” and decreasing the time that feels “down.”

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.